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Posted on 17 Mar 2020

St John’s Church, Gowerton
is closed for public worship
until further notice due to
Rev Alex Pye
can be contacted on
01792 927158
The church will be open from 9am every morning for those who wish to come in for a time of prayer.

Posted on 17 Mar 2020

Pastoral Declaration of the Bench of Bishops of the Church in Wales – COVID-19
At such a time as this, and during this holy season of Lent, we are mindful of the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep. We are holding all who are anxious, all who are unwell, and all who are grieving in our prayers, asking that the presence of the risen Christ may be near to us, wherever we may be, throughout the difficult months ahead.

We are issuing this pastoral declaration in light of new governmental advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19). On the evening of Monday 16 March 2020 the Prime Minister advised that all non-essential social contact and all unnecessary travel should cease. During questions in the House of Commons the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care confirmed that the guidance relating to non-essential social contact includes faith groups and religious gatherings.

Public Worship and Gatherings
All church services and gatherings for public worship should no longer take place. This includes regular Sunday services and weekday services, as well as occasional offices (save as set out below). Study groups and other parochial events that gather people together should also no longer take place. We are awaiting further information from the government, which will help us all to measure and reflect upon the gravity and potential duration of this cessation. However, given the information we have available to us at present, the ceasing of public worship and gathering is the prudent course of action.

Vestry Meetings should not take place for the time being. Detailed guidance will follow as soon as possible.

Baptism is the Church’s hope-filled sign and seal of new birth in Christ. It is vital that baptism continues to be offered to all. Given the guidance on cancellation of public worship, baptisms will no longer take place in the context of regular worship. Baptisms should take place in the presence of no more than ten people (the minister, the candidate and up to eight others including parents/guardians and godparents).

For infant baptism it is preferable that the candidate be held by their parent/guardian rather than the minister. Where available a baptismal shell should be used to pour water. Full immersion baptism should not be used.

Unless the government changes the law, the common law right of parishioners and those with a qualifying connection to be married in a parish church remains. However, the date, time and other arrangements are, legally speaking, for the minister to determine. Weddings scheduled until 31 July 2020 should be postponed and any fees already paid refunded. Couples with a later wedding date should be free to cancel/rearrange without financial penalty.

If for pressing pastoral reasons a wedding must take place, it should be solemnized with a maximum of ten persons present (the couple, the minister, two witnesses and up to five others).

In the absence of a principal Sunday service, banns of marriage cannot be called. Any weddings which must go ahead (and for which Banns have not already been completed) would need to proceed by Common Licence.

Some couples (for example those with wedding insurance) may need a letter from the parish informing them that their wedding ‘as arranged’ cannot proceed at this time.

Our guidance relating to the ceasing of public worship applies to funerals in church.

Clergy may continue to take a funeral service at the graveside (in accordance with their common law duty to bury the dead of their Parish) and at crematoria (adhering to such guidance as the crematorium authority may give).

Once the wider situation makes it safe so to do, the bereaved should be offered opportunities for remembering their loved ones in church at a future date.

We are postponing all confirmation services scheduled between now and 1 June 2020 across the province. Dates subsequent to that will remain under review and updates will be provided periodically.

Given that there are no public services of Ordination in the Province scheduled until June, we will consider the position on such services in due course. Please keep all candidates for ordained ministry in your prayers at this time.

We are clear that the duty of the Church to speak in the name of God, and to interpret the gospel of salvation continues at all times and in all places. Our obligation to pray without ceasing is paramount at this time, and we have been encouraged by the ways over recent weeks in which church communities have been enabling their members to sustain a life of prayer and devotion when gathering for worship has been difficult or impossible. These efforts should continue and intensify. Our church buildings can be kept open as places of prayer and contemplation – but notices should be in place about the washing of hands and the maintaining of social distance.

Our Communities
As the clergy and people of the Church in Wales, we have special care for all people in our communities, and especially the poor, the outcast and the needy. At this time, we know that there will be a burning desire to labour in God’s service and to be alongside those in our communities who will be anxious, in pain and in need. This ministry will take many forms, including staying in touch by phone, by post and online with those who are having to stay at home; helping the most vulnerable with the delivery of food, medicines and essential services and supplies; and helping us all to look after our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Where foodbanks are hosted by our churches, extra hygiene precautions should be taken and consideration should be also be given to other means of providing support. Churches providing shelter for the homeless should refer to specific government advice, recently updated.

Parishes are encouraged to review all external hiring agreements of church premises and liaise with all hirers as to what, if any, activities can safely continue.

Those who Minister
As chief pastors, we have a responsibility not only towards the wellbeing of clergy and those who minister in the Church’s name, but also towards their families. For this reason, parochial meetings in parsonages should not take place. In addition to the usual notification procedures for sick leave, clergy should inform their Archdeacon if they are required to stay at home in accordance with the latest government guidance.

Further Advice
Further advice and assistance for clergy, ministers and wardens will be provided on the provincial website and will be updated as frequently as required, whether due to wider developments, formal government action, or queries received.

O God, you know us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright: grant to us such strength and protection as may support us in all dangers and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Bench of Bishops
The Church in Wales
The Bench of Bishops of the Church in Wales

17 March 2020

Posted on 17 Mar 2020

Today Gowerton, Pen-y-bryn and Penclawdd Surgery have closed their doors to the public to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
All patients with booked/urgent appointments with the GP or Nurse will instead have a telephone consultation replacing a face-to-face appointment.
We would like to reassure patients none of these appointments are cancelled – they have just been moved to telephone instead.
If anyone would like repeat medication, they can call the surgery or order via My Health Online if signed up to it.
The prescription will be created and taken over to the pharmacy who will call you when it is ready to collect.

Posted on 17 Mar 2020

During the Corona Virus situation in Gowerton.
Do you need help?
Do you think you know anyone who you think needs help?
Are you able to help?
Message me or ring 01792 872561
Counsellor Sue Jones

Posted on 28 Jan 2018

Week 8.00am - 10.00am
1 Morning Prayer - Choral Eucharist

2 Holy Eucharist - Morning Worship

3 Morning Prayer - Choral Eucharist

4 Holy Eucharist - Family Worship

5 10.30am Ministry Area Morning Praise Holy Eucharist
April 29th – St David's Loughor
July 29th – St Catherine's Gorseinon
Sept 30th TBA (Confirmation)
Dec 30th - St Barnabas, Waunarlwydd

Look out for notices regarding Messy Church and Gateway Services.

Posted on 19 Dec 2017


Wednesday Dec 20th
10.30am Holy Eucharist

Sunday Dec 24th
8.00am Holy Eucharist
10.00am Family Service
11.00pm Carols followed by Mass at 11.30pm

Monday Dec 25th
10.00am Holy Eucharist

Wednesday Dec 27th
10.30am Holy Eucharist

Sunday Dec 31st
10.30am Ministry Area Service
6.00pm Holy Eucharist

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all

Posted on 05 Dec 2017

Reverend Alex Pye was licenced to the Parish of Gowerton as Priest in Charge and to the Ministry Area as Associate Priest on Tuesday 14th November 2017, after a 18 month interegnum. We are pleased to welcome Alex and his family and wish him all the best as he starts his ministry with us.

Posted on 13 Dec 2016

We are pleased to announce that Anthony Charles and Sue Rumbelow have become Ordinands in the Church in Wales. As things stand at the moment they will be ordained Deacons in about 18 months time, June 2018 and then priested a year later. They do, I know, appreciate all your prayers and support as they undertake their studies, both academical and practical.

Posted on 24 Jul 2015

The Bishop has agreed to come and lead a special service at 3pm on Sunday 9th August. At the service the new doors will be dedicated along with the new hymn books.
We are grateful to Mr Dillwyn Thomas for the donation towards the cost of the door and to the Church in Wales for their help in the cost.
Also, to those who have helped raise money for the cost of the new hymn books

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