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Parish Groups

Parish Groups

Sunday School
Children come to the 10am Service/Eucharist and go to the hall during the service returning for last hymn/Communion - Term time only - Deborah 553446 / Sue 879524

Mothers' Union
Meet in the Church Hall every other Thursday afternoon at 2pm. Membership is open to all (male or female). If you'd like to give it a try, then please come along to one of the meetings - details of speakers are included on the 'What's on' section of the website - Judy 872780 / Angela 872379

Sewing Guild
Meet in the Church Hall every Monday at 2pm - Gwyneth 872732

Parents and Toddlers Group
Meet every Wednesday (during school term time) between 1.00pm-2.45pm - Verena 873254

Church Choir (SATB)
Meets for practice every After 10.00am Morning service from 11.15 to 12.00 - Owen 873991

Voices in Harmony
Ladies Choir meet in the church hall on Monday evening at 5.45pm

Gowerton Musical Players
Often put on concerts in support of St John's and various other charities. Contact any member of the congregation who will put you in touch with someone if you are interested in joining them.

You are most welcome to come along to any of our organisations/Bydd croeso cynnes i chi ddod i unrhyw weithgaredd yn ein heglwys.

Contact us for further information.